Dr Hetalkumar Doshi has started his career in Alternative Medicines from a very small age of 14 and has more than 25 years of experience.
He has trained and healed various people through various Alternative therapies like Acupressure, Acupuncture, Cupping Therapy, Magnet Therapy, Naturopathy, Sujok, Reiki, Meditation, Yoga & Pranayama, Crystal Therapy, Tarot Card Reading, Vastu & Feng Shui and various other alternative healing therapies.
Affiliated With :
Manavshastra Seva Charitable Trust as a Managing Trustee.
Body Mind Soul Healing Training & Research Center as an Owner.
International Sujok Association (ISA), & International Tri-origin Academy, Russia as a Lecturer, Healer and Member.
International Naturopathy Organisation (INO), Delhi. – Member.
Manvashatra a monthly magazine – Editor, Publisher, Printer.